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Are You Ready?

A committed process of change is not for everyone. In our experience with participants, we find those who gain to benefit most are those who love these three things.

  • You're a curious, conscientious performer who not only likes to learn how things intrinsically work, but are proactive in embodying tools that develop you further.

  • You are someone fascinated by the science and art of mind-body connection and how the way you move your body and manage your mind start to shift the way you interact with life.

  • You are already a practitioner of a mind-body system or art but feel like something’s missing on terms of translating your craft into easily-articulated life tools that integrate.

A highlight review from the last Process

Thank you for your service and care, Sarah. Stay Weightless!

There’s no shortage of personal development programs out there. I’ve done quite a few. Most programs focus on either the mind or the body.  If both are addressed, they are treated as separate domains with no integration or practical application in daily life.

Weightlessness goes far above and beyond a typical mind/body program. During this time of mind/body development, I learned to appreciate that gaining strength isn’t just a series of gym workouts, and gaining flexibility isn’t just about stretching and meditating. Weightlessness taught me that strength comes from adding tension and stress to the body while focusing the mind. Flexibility comes from releasing tension and stress from both body and mind. This is a continuous conversation that happens subconsciously and leads to true mind/body integration. This takes persistence and dedication and cannot be hacked. There are no shortcuts. 

My journey started with the physical gains: I decreased my 1 kilometer run time by 3 minutes, increased my push-ups from 5 to 30, and became 20 pounds lighter... in less than 12 weeks. Then, there were the emotional gains.  I found peace and mental clarity amidst deeply buried traumatic memories and learned how to deal with life’s chaos and volatility.  

The tools of Weightlessness served me especially well 8 weeks into the program when I had to be deployed with very little notice to New York City during the coronavirus pandemic as a public health physician. I managed to stay engaged with the program and finished strong despite all the challenges of being deployed during the pandemic.

Most importantly, I became aware through meditation and the process of self-inquiry, that in every moment of every day, I have the freedom to unburden myself and choose Weightlessness. Ultimately, Weightlessness is a choice to be made over and over again.

~ Sarah A.

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